Model : MA-500/MA-200/MA-1200
อุปกรณ์ดักน้ำจากระบบลม สามารถกำจัดปริมาณน้ำออกจากอากาศที่ไหลผ่านได้มากถึง 99.99% Magic Air is a revolutionary air comp;ression cleaner that uses absolutely no filters or other components. Our own proprietary collsion separation technique (patened) enables Magig Air to remove as much as 99.99% of the water con-tent from air passing through it.
1.Special collision separation technique causes articles of higher specific gravity to fall toward the bottom
2.Separated via centrifugal action.
3.Since moisture is centrifuged out, no water droplets remain at the center of the fluid.
*No Filter
*No Maintenance
*Low Price *No Power Suply
*Compact Design
*No CFCS *Flexible Air Pressure