The Kardex Compact Buffer is a Verical Buffer Module (VBM) that provides solutions for fast-growing product ranges with limited storage space.
Brand : Kardex Remstar
Model : Vertical Buffer Module (VBM)
The Kardex Compact Buffer is a Verical Buffer Module (VBM) that provides solutions for fast-growing product ranges with limited storage space. The system uses a lightweight mini-load crane with a telescopic gripper to individually transport bins or trays to the access opening pont.
The Kardex Compact Buffer sets new standards in terms of speed, precision, and energy efficiency, offering highly-dense storage and precise picking for small parts and small-volume parts. It is fully scalable with a low investment point and provides a wide choice of inbound and outbound automated interfaces to integrate seamlessly with both exisiting processes or technology and future automation. The entire transition process from design and planning to implementation requires a quarter of the time compared to similar systems.
Video Products : https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/00p7t39cr4vqijpknbf0v/h?dl=0&rlkey=y4u4mevz15zxjwiyc92aawxwz
Booth No : G1-G6
Website : www.storemaster.co.th , www.kardex.com