It is very common problem that operators are trying to adjust pressure by themselves,which is sometimes not meant to do. PISCO Pre-set Regulators protect this problem by factory “Pre-Set” the required pressure value, then there is no adjusting knob for operators to do anything later.
Brand : PISCO
Model : RVFUP
Factory preset enables reduction of pressure adjusting time in the assembly process.
No adjustment of downstream pressure is needed.
Tamper-proof – Prevents unwated adjustments.
There is no pressure adjusting screw nor knob.
Compact and light-weighted body.
The body volume is reduced by 33% compared with the RVUP model.
Fluctuation of the outlet pressure is minimized even the inlet pressure changes.
Pressure Range : 2 to 10 Bar
Available size : tube OD 4mm to 10mm
Booth No : SI03
Website : http://www.tvp.co.th
It is very difficult to save energy when using vacuum ejectors as there is compressed air flow required to maintain vacuum level at all time during pick & place process. PISCO VJ-DWE has feature of “auto stop” and “auto hysteresis” which a […]